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Welcome to the ethical channel

This is a tool that allows any employee of Default to confidentially report and investigate any act that violates the code of ethics.


This is a tool that allows any employee to confidentially report and investigate any act that violates the Code of Ethics, as well as suspicions about financial, accounting, commercial, ethical, or compliance misconduct, with the aim of preventing the commission of a crime.

Deliberate non-compliance with any legal obligation.

Endangering the life or health of any person

Acts of unfair competition

Commission of a crime or infraction of internal regulations

Environmental data

We are dealing with a completely confidential incident communication channel available to all of us, including collaborators, clients, suppliers, etc., and we will activate all measures within our reach to avoid any type of retaliation.

How to file a complaint?

For proper management, the communications received must contain the necessary data to carry out the analysis of the reported facts and should include:


If you have any problems submitting your complaint, you can contact us through the support area by filling out the following form:

Follow us
Address: Cerro Chiquihuite 198, colonia Campestre Churubusco, Alcaldía Coyoacán, C.P.04200, Ciudad de México.

Contact: 55 52 92 80 02 Email: info@urosa-abogados.com